Welcome to the Fire Body Team
What is Isagenix?
Isagenix is a health and wellness company that has 4 solutions to transform lives. They have... Read More
products for weight loss, energy & performance, healthy aging and wealth creation.
The owners came out of retirement to make the world a healthier place. Their goal is to become the largest health and wellness company in the world and to continue changing many lives all over the world every day. Read Less

I'm just Starting my Cleanse... What Do I Do?
There is a step by step process that you can follow. It's easy, just follow it by... Read More
going through each step.
1. Open your box, call you coach if you need to go over the items inside. If you purchased the Isadelight chocolates, immediately, I suggest setting aside enough chocolates [at least 16] for your 4 cleanse days, you do not want to be without them then!
2. Decide what day you would like to begin. There is no magic day to start, just be sure to get started ASAP! You will have 4 cleanse days and 26 shake/meal days. You must have at least 2 shake days (pre-cleanse days) before doing cleanse days. Cleanse days also work best when you know you are not going to be eating out or having plans based on food, ie weekdays may be best choices for cleanse days. You may do 2 cleanse days back to back twice during the month, or 1 cleanse day 4x a month maybe once a week for example. Back to back cleansing (2days in a row) is for accelerated results but everyone is different in their journey! Do not feel badly if you can’t do a 2 day cleanse.
3. PRINT OUT COPIES OF SHAKE DAY AND CLEANSE DAY SCHEDULES so you can easily check things off as you go through each day. Eventually you will just know the protocol and won’t need to do this.
Find your schedule inside the “30 day cleansing and fat burning system step-by-step guide” or click here and go to pg. 4: http://isagenix.com/~/media/system-and-pak/30-day-system/30-day-guide/us-en-30-day-system-guide.ashx
a) THE NATURAL ACCELERATOR PILLS: As a reminder you have to take 2 “Natural Accelerators” per day. One in the morning, and it is recommended the 2nd one is taken before 5pm.
b) VITAMINS: If you have ordered “Ageless Essentials with Product B”, don’t forget to take your AM and PM paks as per the daily schedule, it can be easy to forget.
4. Isagenix is extremely flexible. Here are more schedules that you may like to see:
an alternate cleanse day schedule that may work for you as well is found here, written by the daughter of the inventor of the Isagenix Formulas:
5. If you are a coffee or tea drinker: Please have 1 cup the 1st day and a half the 2nd and 3rd. Don’t stop caffeine cold turkey or you may experience headaches. If headaches do occur drink lots of water and use the “e+Shots” which are natural caffeine and will help!
6. EXERCISE: Exercising is totally recommended! However, only light or no exercise on cleanse days. If you are going to workout in the morning, have your ionix, then an “e+Shot”, workout, then have your shake, am pak of vitamins, and accelerator immediately afterwards.
7. PLEASE READ: “Top 25 questions about Isagenix and Nutritional Cleansing”
8. HOW TO SHAKE AND CLEANSE: Watch these two videos on how to do shake days and cleanse days they are short and sweet:
How to do an Isagenix shake day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axOrKfAvLv4
How to do an Isagenix cleanse day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEH9sDoiWzM
*IMPORTANT SHAKE TIP: drink your shake within 10 minutes of preparing it due to the live enzymes that are in it, they will not be as beneficial after 10 minutes of preparation.
9. WEIGH AND MEASURE YOURSELF: You should weigh and take your measurements with the tape measure in your box on the 1st day. Measurements are imperative to track your progress, as you will lose inches as well as pounds. Do not weigh yourself too much, just follow the chart inside your pamphlet to keep track every few days, it suggests day 1, 11, 30. You will be frustrated if you watch the scale as you may lose more inches vs. lbs, since your body is converting fat to muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat.
**Click here for a picture of a visual of exactly where you should measure:https://www.facebook.com/InspiredByAnthony/photos/a.180736275417802.1073741830.163395430485220/269844076507021/?type=1&theater
11. WATER WATER WATER! drink half your body weight per day!
12. BE AWARE OF YOUR AUTOSHIP DATE AND ORDER: I will help you learn to log in, place orders, and manage your ‘autoship’ date and order. You were signed up this way to get the best prices on products and can change/modify it or decide to cancel it at anytime. Please mark your calender for 3-5 days before your autoship date to make any changes to your next shipment. Remember to call/text/email me before this month is up (30 days after your first order).
13. RECIPE IDEAS! Click here for recipes to enhance your shakes, 400-600 calorie meal ideas, snack ideas, etc! http://isagenix.com/en-US/products/recipes
NOTE: For best results, have your shakes plain, but to mix things up a bit you can check out these great recipes and remember, if you add calories to your shake, take them out of your 2 snacks or your 400-600 calorie meal that is on your program.
Easy ways to enhance with few or no calories: add natural flavor extracts or a little organic stevia to shakes for flavor, as well as many other healthy items such as “just great stuff” peanut butter powder, cocoa powder, and some isagenix products called ‘isafruits’ and ‘isagreens’ ask me!
14. ALLERGIES: Click here to find out any allergens in all of the Isagenix products you may be concerned or wondering about: http://media01.isagenix.com/corporate/ww/pdfs/Allergen-Table-2012.pdf
15. KIDS: Isagenix products are amazing for kids and they also have some kids products sold separately, click here to see which products are recommended for kids such as shakes and bars for performance and energy and even weight management:
16. PRODUCT INGREDIENT LIST: The ingredients in every product is in the Isagenix product catalog [online or available in hard copy] at the end it lists each item. link to catalog: https://media01.isagenix.com/corporate/WW/PDFs/Catalog_English.pdf
17. SOCIAL MEDIA! I have learned and benefited so much from all of the amazing social media available for Isagenix. Isagenix can be followed on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
-‘like’ the Isagenix page and you will get great things in your news feed.
-I have added you to several amazing private groups that helped me tremendously through the first couple weeks. Be sure to check these out and click on the ‘files’ of each one and find amazing recipes, tips, and just great support and info.
-The groups I enjoy most and hopefully added you to are: Team SUCCESS, Spring Cleansing 2012, Fresh Start: IsaHealth Support, and IsaKids
18. PHONE CALLS: You can call into recorded conference calls of support groups and just listen to them, usually there is a phone # and a code and many are listed on various websites, these are great to listen to if you have time even in your car. http://www.isagenixpodcast.com
***If you have questions specific to your health goals or issues Clinical Nutritionist Dr. Ina Nozek, DC, MS will answer your questions. This is an open call, often questions are answered by simply listening in.
-Here is her schedule: 1-641-715-3842 Code 2100#
Monday-Friday 11 a.m. EST
Monday-Thursday 9:30 p.m. EST Read Less

Your program includes these 5 products which... Read More
address all of the important aspects of total health and happiness!
1. CLEANSE FOR LIFE: cleanse the body of destructive impurities and toxins
2. THE ISALEAN SHAKE: control weight and hold onto lean muscle
3. IONIX: To Help manage daily stress
4. AGELESS ESSENTIALS: Perfectly formulated nutritional support for your body
5. Product B: Maintain your youthful vitality with this awesome formula Read Less

Where do I go to order Products?
This is where you will go to order your products, find out information about products, and... Read More
check in on your personal progress if you are participating in the business side of this program. There are amazing videos on this website to help you with all aspects of the program. www.isagenix.com click "associate login" at the top right and log into your account.
Remember, when if other people you know want to look at isagenix online give them your personal website: WWW.yourusername.ISAGENIX.COM (replace "yourusername" with the username you log in with. example: www.DrSurie.Isagenix.com Read Less

How do I get my products paid for?
This is actually very simple and easy. Actually, people you know will... Read More
ask you and plead with you to join you on your journey of transformation. To get started just watch this short video: http://media01.isagenix.com/webinars/you2them2_820/index.html Read Less

Now that I'm an associate, How do I get into all of the Fire Body special networks?
It is easy. There are a few networks that are available to to you exclusively and they are... Read More
LIKE: www.facebook.com/firebody - This is your teams facebook page and an important way to connect with your team and message us personally.
CLICK HERE: and join our partner EveryOneStartsHere newsletter for up-to-date information and free trainings: http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=ulymg5cab&p=oi&m=1102672454004
Go to this website and follow the simple steps: http://www.isastart.com/ Read Less

Seriously, How can I earn money and really help others reach their goals?
Commit to getting better everyday, Learn as you go, and... Read More
Earn as you go! There are tons of tools accessible to you if you have REAL GOALS that are MUSTS for you to achieve rather than SHOULDS...
1. First step is to watch this video and in 19 minutes you will have a solid plan: http://youtu.be/LAXfvNZdapo
2. Next, check out Michael Clouse. Consistently recognized as one of The Top 10 MLM speakers in the world, Michael S. Clouse inspires and motivates audiences to action. https://soundcloud.com/michael-s-clouse Read Less

I feel uncomfortable but, I really want to help my friends. How do I break the ice?
Here you can listen to some sample comments that you can use to... Read More
break the ice with those you know or those you don't. Lynn Hagedorn will talk you through in this great audio program: https://soundcloud.com/lynnhagedorn Read Less

I'd like to learn more about the products I received. Where can I find that?
Isagenix provides everything you need. If you'd like to learn more click this... Read More
Link: www.isaproduct.com – Go to the Product tab > systems and packs > and click on the product package you purchased. You will find FAQs, videos and audios to acquaint you with how to use your system and how to achieve optimal results. You can also print out a “30 Day System Guide”. Read Less

Do you have any 400 - 600 calorie meal ideas or examples?
Sure we do! Here is a very general guide to help you to... Read More
determine how to create a balanced 400 - 600 calorie meal. Just copy paste this link: http://fireshaper.com.au/?attachment_id=1110 Then click to download the guide. Read Less

How do I structure my meals and shakes throughout my day?
It is pretty easy to do. Just simply space them out evenly but, there are some secrets Read More
to maximizing fat loss as well as programming your bodies metabolism for success. I like to start with your exercise routine first. On days that you are exercising write down when you plan on doing it then make sure you have a shake at least 30 min after and you have an empty stomach prior to the exercise. Then expand your day left and/or right of your workout session on the time line of your day and evenly space out your shakes, snacks and meal. Read Less

I'd like to get rewarded and make some extra money. How do I use FaceBook?
It's actually really simple to do and we've included this script that you can follow just Read More
copy paste this link to a pdf that describe how to do it, gives you some ideas and really gets your mind started so you can actually personalize it to your individual personality. here is the link: http://fireshaper.com/?p=1140 Read Less

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