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The Judge

Learning about who you are and how you act is a muscle you probably would really like to develop.  In this series you will learn about the 10 Saboteurs that exist in each of our unique personalities. You’ll learn how to recognize them and how they impact you, your relationships and your careers.


The “Judge” is divided into three categories: how you judge others, how you judge yourself and how you judge your circumstances. The way your judges are divided reflects on how you are running your business. Here’s how each of your judges are making an un-favorable impact on your company.

Judging Yourself – If you’ve scored highest on judging yourself, you have the tendency to feel like you’re not enough and that you are not doing enough — it’s a form of personal torment. This is causing you to place high (and even unrealistic) expectations not only on yourself but on your staff. Expectations are good, but realistic outcomes should be the main objective. If your staff feels like they can’t live up to your expectations or give you feedback for fear of a negative reaction, you will always have a revolving door of employees.

Judging Others – If you scored highest in judging others, you are fostering a work environment full of judgement. This is not only by your own judgment of others, but that of employees judging each other — because they are, naturally, modelling you. With that kind of attitude, you are causing chaos in your company. When employees are judging each other, they are not working congruently and productivity is lost.

Judging Circumstances – Sometimes circumstances are something you cannot necessarily change; you can only change the way you look at them. When you judge your circumstances heavily, it becomes your main source of anxiety. Your peace of mind is disturbed when you can’t accept circumstances because you’re too busy judging them or waiting for the “perfect” situation to arise.

In the workplace, you are never pleased. When this happens or that happens then you’ll be pleased. But, every time you reach that point, your moving target eludes you, and there is yet another thing that has to be accomplished before you can be happy.

When employees feel they can never please their employer, it will lead to feelings of hopelessness and despair, and they do what they have to do to get by rather than giving it their all. The last thing you want in your business is a staff that does the minimum just to please you because they feel they will never meet your expectations.


Chamine, Shirzad (2012). Positive Intelligence. Greenleaf Book Group

Sat, 16 May 2015

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Posted by Fire Shaper


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